Merkur Safety Razor 1904 - 42C
The Merkur Classic 1904-42C Safety Razor with Closed Comb Bar is an excellent razor for anyone interested in learning to shave with a safety razor.
Beautiful, vintage design is a replica of a 1906 design but has been completely updated.
Features a non-slip, etched handle with six sides to provide excellent grip and balance.
Handcrafted handsome design will offer you years of superior shaves.
Nickel-plated finish.
It is generally recommended that beginners start with a Safety Razor with a Closed Comb Bar (featured on this razor) which is a smooth bar without indentations and considered less aggressive for shaving.
- Uses all standard double edge razor blades
- Comes with one stainless steel Merkur razor blade
Approximate Dimensions:
- Weight: 2.5oz-70g
- Length: 3.14in-80mm
- Model no. 90 42 001